Audis in movies

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at
Fri Feb 9 16:50:57 EST 2001

OK,boys and girls.  Here's one that blew my mind.  Miami Vice circa early
1980's.  They are doing reruns and saw this just the other day.  One of the
first episodes and they are running through a parking lot right in front of
a type 44.  Nice shot of the grill and rings.
Made my day!


> ----------
> From: 	Tom Nas[SMTP:tnas at]
> Sent: 	February 9, 2001 12:42 PM
> To: 	quattro at
> Subject: 	Audis in movies
> 'The Shooter", featuring Dolph Lundgren, 1995.
> Light blue Audi 80 type 89 (the same colour as my car) is used to abduct a
> woman, who starts a fire with her lighter and bails out, the car crashes 
> into a wall.
> Tom

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