5000CSTQ wheel bearings

Dave Conner conner at cfm.ohio-state.edu
Sat Feb 10 00:22:41 EST 2001

At 08:38 PM 2/9/2001 -0800, james accordino wrote:
>Bearings are meant to rotate about the lubricated
>balls.  If they start to slip or rotate in their press
>fit, either because it's been lubed or is loose, the
>metal to metal slip will quickly overheat from
>friction, burn off any trace grease, and wear, gall or
>otherwise damage one metal surface or the other. 
>Usually the cast iron takes the abuse, being the
>softer metal.  This allows you the pleasure of buying
>the entire housing as well as another bearing.  This
>holds true whether talking about production machinery
>or automobiles.

The concept makes sense.  My experience was that when I installed these
bearings it took so much force to press them, both out and in, that I could
scarcely imagine them slipping anywhere, even with lube.  I guess this
tight fit would be subject to changes with temperature.
Dave C.

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