road first experience tonite.. LOCK YOUR DOORS!!!

james accordino ssgacc at
Sat Feb 10 05:49:47 EST 2001

--- David Head <v8q at> wrote:
> I keep an 18" piece of rebar on the floor next to my
> driver's seat for 
> situations like this. If someone comes at me and
> attempts to open my 
> door in that kind of rage they have met their match.
> I'm not a big guy 
> but I know how to put someone down.  There's no
> Marquis of Queensbury in 
> a streetfight. Its amazing how many people lose
> interest when they 
> realize they are dealing with someone who intends
> permanent disfigurement.
> JordanVw at wrote:
> > .he jumps out...   he 
> > runs over yelling "F U", "F", this, "F" that, get
> the "F" outta the 
> > car, you
> > mother F'er ...he then PULLS OPEN MY DRIVERS
> DOOR.... at this point my 
> > female
> > friend is crying..   this guy then reaches in,
> grabs my jacket, and 
> > tries to
> > PULL ME OUT OF THE CAR, i was pretty shaken up, i

He is coming dangerously close to filling someones
"asshole" bag limit.  In many states (Pa. is a
maybe-Az. definitly) you could have legally shot him
when he opened your door.  They "investigate", but
it's the same story.  You were trapped, threatened, he
"entered" your space, and then physically touched you.
 When they first passed this law in Az. all the
liberal rags (not many in Az.) called it the "make my
day law".  He almost made someones day.  BTW-I agree
MOST people will run like hell when they figure out
YOU really WANT to fight and plan on hurting him bad.

Jim Accordino

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