Throttle adjusting screw (049 133 432)

james accordino ssgacc at
Sat Feb 10 05:55:58 EST 2001

--- at,
quk at wrote:
> I've been measuring the O-ring as carefully as I
> can.
> I make it ID = 5.3mm, OD = 9.3mm, thickness 2mm.
> Anyone else measured one and care to agree/disagree?
>  I'm trying to
> set up a proper supply, as with wastegate
> diaphragms.
> --
>  Phil

5mmx9mmx2mm?  I buy these 10 to a package for $1.49
USD.  I try to keep the most common ones on hand.  Now
I have 20 or more packages of different sized o-rings.

Jim Accordino

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