5K blower motor.

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sat Feb 10 19:42:18 EST 2001

My 5K blower motor squeaked occasionally for half a winter and then became 
unreliably intermittent, but I got by until warmer weather.   My 200q20v 
became intermittent a month or so ago with no prior indication of impending 
failure and then stopped.  I've kept it going week-by-week by squirting a 
bit of lubricant into the hole where the rubber cooling hose goes from the 
fan housing to the motor housing.  I used WD40 first time, and it lasted a 
couple of days.  A spray lubricant with a bit of teflon in it seems to keep 
it going longer.   I also have a new motor sitting here, and I'm hoping to 
make it to warmer/dryer weather before making the replacement.

At 04:10 PM 02/10/2001 -0700, Steve Sherman wrote:

>I have been anticipating replacing the blower motor on my 87 5K for a
>while.  I've already got a new replacement motor (how's that for
>planning ahead).
>My  question is how long is my blower motor likely to last once it
>starts making a squeaking noise on right turns?  It had been quiet and
>working well for 4-5 months now, but just started making noises on right
>turns.  The noise goes away after a min or so, or the next left.
>If I can safely put off the change until warmer weather (3 months or so)
>I'd really like to do that...  However I don't want to get stuck in a
>snow storm sometime without a blower.
>Any histories out there as to how long a blower has once it starts
>making noises like this??

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