How bad is it? 85 4kq front end damage :(

Andrew Sitzer sitzman at
Sat Feb 10 20:33:47 EST 2001

I would call visit the mega-mart security office immediately and tell them
what happened.. its possible that one of their guards saw something or
mabey even one of their cameras.
That sux btw.. your not going to get anything from your ins. company.. :<
-Andrew S
 On Sat, 10 Feb 2001, Kneale Brownson

> Boy, that's nasty, Thor.   Looks like it had to be something tall like a
> utility box or stake rack on a one-ton chassis.   The hood looks
> sufficiently wrinkled to require replacement.  The grille plastic probably
> nonrepairable=replacement too.   Now you'll find out how good your
> insurance is.
> At 02:30 PM 02/10/2001 -0800, Thor Heglund wrote:
> >Went to the local mega-mart after work yesterday, parked my car, went
> >inside to look at their selection of digicams, wandered around for awhile,
> >went back out to discover this:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Someone ran into my car, no note.  I am massively bummed :(
> >
> >The grill is crunched but it is not contacting any of the belts.
> >
> >The "lock carrier" is bent.
> >
> >The hood is crunched, do I need a new one or does it look like it can be
> >repaired?
> >
> >Any suggestions on dealing with my insurance company (full coverage
> >through geico, $500 deductible)?
> >
> >TIA
> >
> >Thor
> >85 4k(runched)q
> >

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