road rage.....not fighting back..

Lawrence C Leung l.leung at
Sun Feb 11 13:27:23 EST 2001


I personally think your cool head is was saved you from potential harm.
If you pulled out a rebar, or crowbar or lug wrench, I think this idiot
would've taken it as either a sign of a physical challenge (which in
Neanderthal speak means, retaliate), or as outright justification of
anything else physical he would have attempted to have done to you. Also,
what's to say he couldn't have dis-armed you and then used your own
weapon against you? You were in close quarters and already in physical
contact. IMHO, a weapon is only a deterent when you are far enough away
so that your attacker can't reach it. 


On Sat, 10 Feb 2001 20:24:07 EST JordanVw at writes:
>In a message dated 2/10/01 9:04:27 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
>sjensen at writes:
>> >I keep an 18" piece of rebar on the floor next to my driver's seat 
>> situations like this.
>> My "attitude adjustment tool" is a 4 D cell Mag Lite that fits 
>> between the driver's seat and the door on a Type 44.  Nice non slip 
>> grip, helps them "see the light"...
>Thats great folks, but i think that by keeping my cool and not 
>"returning his 
>advances" was the reason i was able to escape the ordeal without any 
>harm or damage to my car..  other than a few pulled threads on my left 
>sleeve, his big greasy pawprint on the drivers window, and a nasty 
>loogie he 
>hocked on the window, that was it..    the mental images of the 
>incident and 
>what could have happened, will remain much longer...

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