Blue smoke from 86 5kcstq

Avi Meron avim at
Sun Feb 11 20:18:02 EST 2001

That is a sign of  leaking guides/valve stem seals, all the oil drops to the
combustion chamber and burns on a start up.
Take care,

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
Behalf Of Mark Rutherford
Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2001 1:59 PM
To: quattro at
Subject: Blue smoke from 86 5kcstq

When I started my car this morning I got a huge amount of blue smoke from
the exaust.  The car had been parked for about 2 days, and was fine when I
parked it.  I shut it down after about 10 seconds and checked all of the
fluids, everything OK.  I restarted it and let it idle for about 3 minutes,
during this time the smoke seemed to be about the same.  So I went for a
quick mile or so drive to see if it cleaned up, it did.  I let it idle again
for about 15 minutes, no smoke.  I let it sit for about 20 minutes and then
restarted, no smoke.  The car seems to run fine no miss or odd noises.  The
smoke is obviously oil burning, but the question is from where.  I was going
to run a compression check in the morning.  Anybody have any other ideas?

5kcstq at

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