EMERGENCY!! - need advice on ISV gasket for 12v in '95 90q

Ameer Antar ameer at snet.net
Mon Feb 12 02:36:52 EST 2001

in fa, i don't see any gasket, but there is a flange...don't think it's a 
gasket though, seems like aluminum part. part is 077 133 467.


At 02:11 AM 2/12/2001 , you wrote:

>I was going through the process of cleaning the ISV as per the authoritative
>directions - even down to the point of breaking one of the tabs off one of the
>electrical connectors.  When I got to the part about leaving the ISV gasket in
>place, though, I noticed a problem.  I have no gasket there.
>Should there, in fact, be a gasket?  What does it look like?  Considering 
>the fact
>that it probably costs $45+ from Audi, is it possible to make one?  What 
>sort of
>things go through the ISV (air, gas, etc.) and what type of material would 
>I need to
>use to make one?  How detrimental is it to leave off?
>I have everything ready to reassemble, but I'd like to get a gasket in 
>first if it
>needs one.  I need to get this all back together before work tomorrow so 
>any speedy
>advice would be appreciated.  Please e-mail me directly and thanks in 
>advance for
>the help,
>Joel Lenorovitz
>Center for Human Simulation
>University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
>303-724-0516 (Aurora)/ 303-554-0565 (Boulder)
>joel at chs.uchsc.edu
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