quattro digest, Vol 1 #1007 -diesel

Aleksander Mierzwa alexaudi at kki.net.pl
Mon Feb 12 12:24:58 EST 2001

At 18:49 01-02-09 -0500, Edward Birch wrote:

>>and start worth crap in the cold.
>Wrong, again.  New Diesels have improved starting devices to replace glow
>plugs.  Heated fuel lines, etc.  When you unlock your VW Jetta with the
>remote control, some distance from the car, the Diesel heating device
>engages.  By the time you belt up and insert the key, your Diesel is ready
>to crank up and run!   Synthetic oil is a plus for older Diesels.

Actually, even very old diesels without all these advanced gimmicks will
start well in cold PROVIDED you use the proper "winter" fuel. If you are
unsure about the quality of the fuel at the local gas stations or you live
in an area with unpredictable climate, there are fuel additives to prevent
geling in low temperatures. My mother used to own an '81 Datsun Bluebird.
It was so old it has holes in the floorpan (had to get rid of it because
her mechanic warned her the suspension might fall of - no kidding!), but
with proper winter fuel in the tank it started without any problems even in
-20C weather.

Aleksander Mierzwa
Warsaw, Poland
87 5KT

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