5K blower motor

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 12 13:08:08 EST 2001

--- "Beatty, Robert" <BeattyR at ummhc.org> wrote:
> Since we are on the topic....
> Is it possible to rebuild these when they are out of
> the car or is just not
> worth the effort?  I am planning on getting a spare
> blower from a junk car
> and replacing brushes and anything else needed,
> unless this is a waste of my
> time....
It depends... I'm a cheapskate, so I thought it was
worth it for me.  The bearing and brushes cost me less
than $10.  I look for one where the copper bushing the
brushes ride on is clean and straight.  I couldn't
find the exact brushes, but got ones slightly larger
and just ground them down.  Works fine.  Everything
else in there is pretty indestructible.  The brush
"tails" are crimped and soldered so it took alittle
doing to disassemble it without destoying it, but that
was the only difficult part.

Jim Accordino

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