The MIME epidemic

Brad Wilson bradw at
Mon Feb 12 16:30:54 EST 2001

Orin Eman wrote:

> It's easy to get rid of all this.  All that is required is
> for Dan to filter all messages with a program called 'stripmime'.
> This is done on the biking lists I am on...  this also has
> the effect of castrating most viruses - as happened today.
> The only downside is you occasionally get blank messages.

Any good mail package that sends HTML will send multi-part/alternative, and
then stripping is the exact right action to take. I've yet to see a mailer
that sends in HTML _only_, though I do see that many/most HTML-based spam is
sent this way (yet another bonus to strip the spam and leave the blank :)

Best regards,

2000 A6 2.7 biturbo quattro

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