brake fluid + floor mat = bad

Matthew Caprio caprio at
Mon Feb 12 17:55:14 EST 2001

Brake fluid leaking from a clutch master accumulates in the floor mats of
the type44s and melts the foam rubber backing creating glop that is a big
mess.  I asked for a solvent on this one, and no one responded, but I
figured I'd at least add this caveat to the archives incase someone wonders
what that glue or goop or glop or gunk or sludge is under their floor mat
(trying to make sure I get their keyword).

Acetone worked here, but not very well, for removal of the glop from the
plastic pad sewn into the real carpet below the floor mat.  I had to scrape
it off, and then clean the film with acetone.  Good luck.

88 5ksq
Matthew Caprio
Austin, TX

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