cleaning product recomendation

Tiberius Gaius c123666 at
Mon Feb 12 17:00:06 EST 2001

look for a product called "S100"; I used to buy it at bmw motorcycle
dealers......not cheap but a great all purpose cleaner (for oil and grease,
too).  You can just spray it on and hose it off; all you gotta do is put
your vinyl moisture stuff (armor all crap) back on.


----- Original Message -----
From: "c a l i b a n" <caliban at>
To: "quattro" <quattro at>
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 4:35 PM
Subject: cleaning product recomendation

> this comes from a good friend of mine via a biker mailing
> list.  neither of us has any relationship to the company
> whatsoever.  thought i would pass it on.
> --
>  rocky mullin - chaotic good
>  two strokes are faster than four!
>  this message was composed using the vi editor.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 10:41:06 -0800
> From: "Pave, Bjorn" <bjorn.pave at>
> Subject: [cycles] GET THIS NOW!!!
> I have used almost everything under the sun to detail cars and bikes with.
> consider myself to be a connoisseur of waxes and cleaners. I've used the
> best imported Carnuba's on the market, Waxes from Germany and other far
> regions. The other day I was shopping around for stuff to detail my Harley
> with, since it calls for constant detailing, and I found out that these
> fucking Harley riders know a lot about detailing. Dudley Perkins and
> Choppers offer some of the finer products that I've seen. I finally
> on giving something new a try, and something I've heard a lot about
> the years, Wizards. I paid, at Frisco Choppers, $16.95 for the Shine
> and $18.00 for some spray cleaner they offer, spray and shine or
> I feel like I've finally reached the end of my search. This Shine Master
> hands-down the best shit I've ever used.
> My Harley had all of these cobwebs and light scratches before I used this
> product, and now they're gone. The paint looks like liquid. It's scary how
> happy I got while polishing the bike with this stuff. The more I buffed
> more intense shine I got. I highly recommend you try it. You don't have to
> go to Frisco, I found a better price online at this place:
> Might I also add that this is not a wax. It's a polymer of somekind.
> B

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