5kcsq low boost-help?

Robert Deis rdeis at io.com
Wed Feb 14 08:21:52 EST 2001

On Tue, 13 Feb 2001, Jon Archibald wrote:

> We've recently added an '86 5kcsq to the family stable. Car has full records
> and runs smoothly and quietly, except for low boost readings.

Sounds like mine.

> noticeably more powerful than the NA car. Boost reads between 0.0 and 0.3
> bar at idle, and maxes out at 1.0 bar 95% of the time, occasionaly bumping
> to 1.1. 

Sounds a *lot* like mine..

> perhaps the boost readout is somehow wrong.

The audi specialist that did my pre-purchase checkout said the car had
"great power, especially for its age," and suggested that the reading
could be low due to a chip.

I plan to go through all the sensors listed on the SJM site anyway, and to
confirm the stock gauge's accuracy (or lack thereof) with a separate
mechanical boost gauge. ($15 from JCWhitney)

Let me know what you find out?
  Rob Deis                  "Let the people know beforehand what the law
  MiB3347                      is and what they are to expect." 
  rdeis at io.com                              -- 18th Congress, Rec. 75

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