Sorry guys 20v:t (3B ja 7A)

Jukka Majanen jiipm at
Wed Feb 14 22:19:30 EST 2001

Sorry guys and thanks for Your response Todd,

I mailed that to our local (Fi) Audi list and
stupid me (arghh) pushed a wrong button 
once, so it did get to q-list. I´m really sorry,
but You know me, I´ve been here in the list
quite long and been writing a lot also (in English)
so my purpose wasn´t to fool anybody. Fool me.

Forgive me, not even two beers today :)


ps. what I was writing; just buying a 3B and
selling my 7A here. Gotta find that right button...

> I think the majority of the QList posts in English.
> Some of us "Yanks" only speak one language, including me, I'm ashamed to
> say.
> Jukka Majanen wrote:
> > 
> > Hei,
> > 
> > Pyydänpä kovasti ja nöyrästi apuanne.

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