FS: S1 Sportquattro

Bob mx at snet.net
Wed Feb 14 18:44:58 EST 2001

Per... you're an evil evil SOB. I have been emailing the seller and Im considering the purchase. We are just trying to figure out how to get it here. So as much as Id like to thank you... my wife would like to kill you. (Lock your doors at night). However, if she cant find you, she may kill me...  *sigh*.


Per Lindgren wrote:

> This is the ultimate Audi, at least in my eyes. And it so cheap, only 7
> mill Deutschemarks!
> http://www.mobile.de/cgi-bin/search.pl?sprache=2&CountOff=415&DataNr=40&DisplayDetail=20493899&DoSearch=1&FormCategory=14&FormColor=%2e%2e%2ebeliebig&FormDate=0&FormEZ=%2d&FormGasoline=o&FormKilometer=%2d&FormMake=2&FormModel=quattro&FormPlace=%2d&Fo
> Wow.
> PerL
> 92 Cabrio 2.3
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