Sorry guys 20v:t (3B ja 7A)

Brett Dikeman quattro at
Thu Feb 15 00:17:20 EST 2001

At 10:19 PM +0200 2/14/01, Jukka Majanen wrote:

>I mailed that to our local (Fi) Audi list and stupid me (arghh) 
>pushed a wrong button  once, so it did get to q-list. I´m really 
>sorry, but You know me, I´ve been here in the list quite long and 
>been writing a lot also (in English) so my purpose wasn´t to fool 

Bah.  we're not that stupid!  How dare you insult us!  We see through 
your puny lies!

At 9:18 PM +0200 2/14/01, Jukka Majanen wrote:

>Onko kellään myynnissä 3B täyd. konetta,
>tai tietoa sellaisesta?

"You guys ever been on the  Audifans mailing list?"

>Ehkä suhteita ostopaikkoihin, tai edes tietoa, ketkä tuovat (Hyvinkään kaverin
>lisäksi, häneltäkin on tarjous, mutta ehkä vähän yläkanttinen) 
>Kaikki vinkit olisivat kullanarvoisia.

"They're nothing but a bunch of self-absorbed, silly sods."

>Samoin myynnissä tulee kohta (huhtik?) olemaan huippukuntoinen 7A pannu
>kaikkine ecu yms:neen. Josko joku haluaisi kaksilitraiseensa 60% lisää...

"Why, just the other day, they started up with that kaikine(= "#$%!") 
thread about kaksilitraiseensa (="torsens".)  What a bunch of 
weenies.  60% of them are no brighter than a fence post."

>Koeajo yms. mahdollinen ainakin huhtikuun loppuun

"Ready the death ray!"

>terveisin ja etenkin 3B vinkkejä kovasti odottaen j-pm

"Let's make sure to steal all their 3B engines once we've finished 'em off."

yhea, I'm feeling pretty corky :-) Incidentally, I just have to say, 
"voitonmaksimointihuutokauppaa" is one very serious lookin' word. 
Don't want to wave that one around too fast, might hurt someone.

Oh well.  He's safe talking about us until Babelfish comes out with a 
Finnish addition to their translator :-)

Brett Dikeman				Systems Engineer
ProAct Technologies Corporation		914-872-8043
(formerly CFN[formerly iClick, Inc])		914-872-8100(fax)
120 Bloomingdale Rd.
White Plains, NY 10605
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