To lower or to anti-sway? at at
Thu Feb 15 10:03:32 EST 2001

> I say your friend is getting a little esoteric, lowering an Audi a
> reasonable amount, say up to 1.5" has no effect on tire wear, the
> suspension is still within alignable limits, and the performance will
> skyrocket, the car will be a joy to drive.  Go for it, you will not
> regret it, the stock suspension is intolerable, especially after
> hundreds of thousands of miles you car may likely have.

If the stock suspension is 'worn out' after hundreds of thousands of
miles, obviously bits of it need replacing.

I think I've commented before on the number of people who approach me
for performance modifications:

"I want more performance.  Can you chip it or put a bigger turbo on?"

"Yup.  But how about I fix the inlet air temperature sender, full
 throttle switch, ECU water temperature sender and a couple of air leaks
 first, so it works like Audi intended it to?"

"OK, if you think so."

[An hour later]

"Holy Sh1t!!  Bye!!"

This approach has the added advantage of not involving your insurance
company or making the vehicle more conspicuous to the local area's

 Phil Payne
 Phone +44 7785 302803   Fax: +44 7785 309674

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