Virus got through my system: sorry! at at
Thu Feb 15 10:03:39 EST 2001

> I'm bothered by the fact how easy it is nowadays to write a virus that will
> spread around the world and cause so much trouble. In the good old times,
> creating a virus required extensive knowledge of operating systems and good
> assembler programming skills. Are there any programmers on the list? Have
> you actually looked at the code of the virus? It's so darn simple (despite
> the author's pathetic attemtps to make it difficult to read) anyone with a
> basic knowledge of COM architecture could write this.

What bothers me more is that desktop operating systems are so vulnerable
to them.  It would be hard indeed to design anything more open to attack
than a bog standard ex-dealer home PC system with Windows.

 Phil Payne
 Phone +44 7785 302803   Fax: +44 7785 309674

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