[urq] Water Cooled Turbos

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Thu Feb 15 15:46:26 EST 2001

All I'll say in response to your post Phil, is that I'm surprised that you 
haven't read closely fig 9 in your copy of 860103.  IMO, anyone with an 
*older* I5 motor can extend the life of the piston rings greatly by adding a 
WJ turbo (and reduce charge air temps, combustion temps, and lower coking 

I'm also happy to send you fragments of wx motor piston rings from excessive 
heat, stock turbos, stock computers (along with the bottom feed WGFV you have 
'never' seen fail).  This isn't a debate at all, the benefits of WJ turbos is 
well documented with regard to heat damage.  Your personal experiences aside, 
large heat cycles occur at the piston rings and center bearings of oil cooled 
turbocharged motors.  Saying it's not a inherent *problem* couldn't have more 
audi and non audi documentation to the contrary.  

Really bad advice dude.

Scott Justusson

In a message dated 2/15/01 2:05:59 PM Central Standard Time, 
isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.freeserve.net writes:

> >> I have an Urq ( Euro, I'm English ) with a WR engine which has an 'air
>  >>  cooled' turbo - is the piston ring / general engine overheat after 
> shutdown
>  >>  a big issue?
>  > Yes.
>  No.
>  There is no general overheat problem of any kind inboard to the WR
>  engine.  I have stripped dozens and have not yet found heat-related
>  damage on an unmodified engine.  Even where there is damage (because
>  of the use of excessive boost, nitrous or water injection) it's not
>  the rings that tend to suffer but the base of the bores (which have
>  a tendency to ovality) and the piston crowns.
>  > The piston ring temps are a huge concern, IME.  I've got a trashed AAN 
> motor
>  > with 70k on it in my shop, that had oil heat problems *with* WJ turbo.  
> When
>  AAN experience is not relevant to the WR - they are very different
>  engines.  I've only had one in-depth AAN experience, and I'm convinced
>  that this engine (apart from the ADU) takes I5 technology fairly
>  close to the limits without re-engineering.
>  --
>   Phil Payne

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