type44 how do i know if i have a heater core leak?

Brett Dikeman quattro at brettd.dsl.speakeasy.net
Fri Feb 16 01:33:48 EST 2001

At 1:08 AM -0500 2/16/01, JordanVw at aol.com wrote:
>i have been getting a few small drops of coolant in my drivers footwell, up
>towards the accelerator pedal, once in awhile..  sometimes smell a faint
>coolant smell when running the heater, but not all the time.   could this be
>the start of a heater core leak?

No, it -is- a heater core leak. At least you have a leak and not a 
explosion.  Boiling coolant, mmmm.

>would it be a good time to do the blower motor the same time as the heater
>core (blower sticks sometimes) to save on labor time?  

If the blower motor is sticking "sometimes" now, in about 2 months it 
will be locked solid.  BTDT.  Last year I started in late 
thanksgiving with a sticking motor(driving at highway speeds with the 
sunroof tilted open would generate enough air current to start the 
blower) and by January, it locked up solid. Like it or not, after 
almost 15 years, these things happen :-|

Shop around for good prices on both, set aside an entire weekend 
during which you won't need the car, and invite a victi...I mean, 
buddy, over to help.

Brett Dikeman				Systems Engineer
ProAct Technologies Corporation		914-872-8043
(formerly CFN[formerly iClick, Inc])		914-872-8100(fax)
120 Bloomingdale Rd.			http://www.proacttechnologies.com
White Plains, NY 10605
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