Michigan Listers Unite!

Stephen Ankney ankneys at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 16 16:24:17 EST 2001

Would any Michigan area listers be interested in a get together? A fellow 
lister, Rex Pederson, has offered to host an event at his home in Ludington, 
Michigan. He has plenty of room for parking and an indoor area if needed. 
This would be a low key event. Plans are to have a barbeque and talk Audi's! 
This would be a great way to get to know each other and share information. 
Thinking of having it in late April or May. It will not interfere with the 
Gratton QCUSA event on the 28-29th of April...if you're interested email me 
at ankneys at hotmail.com or Rex at fega at fega.com.

Steve Ankney
88 5000
Holland, Michigan
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