OBD or not obd

Elliott Potter epotter at velotel.com
Fri Feb 16 13:00:42 EST 2001

William Magliocco wrote:

Hi Bill! 

> >From the US...
> I have a '93 100 with VW's OBD.  This is NOT OBD-II
> which became industry standard in '94 or '95.
I *think* that in the US it went like this: the 100 series had ODB-I,
and the A6 had ODB-II.  The 90 series had ODB-I until it stopped ... the
Cabriolet got fitted with the same ODB-II equipment as the A6, at the
same time.  My guess is that Europe got the same treatment, just
different names.

[note new e-mail address: epotter at velotel.com]

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