A4 - Defrost in cold weather???
Kris Hansen
kris_j_hansen at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 16 11:49:51 EST 2001
You have to put the defrost on, and let it run at full
blast. I never figrued out why they don't run the air
through the dryer, though it may actually do that
without the compressor when set to defrost.
A4's have very loud defrost vents IMHO. Best thing to
do is keep the defroster vents active all the time,
and add floor or dash. When the fog gets heavy, let
'er rip, and send all the air to the defroster. Works
99% of the time in my Avant, which has even more glass
to take care of!
--- Scott <Scott at thehinckleys.com> wrote:
> I have a 1998 A4 2.8Q.
> I have been trying to figure out part of the climate
> control. Under normal
> conditions the compressor (snowflake icon) kicks on
> most of the time, and
> certainly if I hit defrost.
> I have now been sub-freezing temps a couple of times
> where the windows
> start to fog like crazy. I switch to defrost, but
> the compressor does not
> kick on (I assume to prevent it icing over).
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