of VAG-COM and 200q20v's (part one)

Brett Dikeman quattro at brettd.dsl.speakeasy.net
Sat Feb 17 16:51:40 EST 2001

At 1:35 PM -0500 2/17/01, Peter Berrevoets wrote:

>  I have the vag-com demo and would like to see if
>it will even function on my car before I buy it.

It works on any car for which the VAG155x series of tools is called 
for(all are pretty similar, just updated versions have later PN's and 
later models also have things like small printers for printing out a 
series of values(one part of the 200q20v Bently calls for "pressing 
the print button as quickly as possible" while the driver nails the 
throttle in 4th.)

Uwe clearly states that he'll offer your money back minus what it 
cost to ship the adaptor to you if it doesn't perform up to your 
expectations....up until you get the activation key, at which point, 
the software is yours.

That's not to say that you still can't sell the software to someone 
else; you have to simply let Uwe know, and he records the new owner's 
info.  The software is keyed to the machine, so you have to contact 
him anyway.

Uwe said that his most popular customers are Audi owners and VW TDI 
owners, "by far more than regular VW owners."  Apparently, VW TDI's 
need some sort of alignment after doing the tbelt, and a VAG-155x 
tool is necessary.  Legendary Audi reliability explains the other 
half :-)

Brett Dikeman				Systems Engineer
ProAct Technologies Corporation		914-872-8043
(formerly CFN[formerly iClick, Inc])		914-872-8100(fax)
120 Bloomingdale Rd.			http://www.proacttechnologies.com
White Plains, NY 10605
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