headliner replacement...

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sat Feb 17 21:35:30 EST 2001

There's a bunch of posts if you do a Google search on the Audifans.com 
website for headliner replacement.  Most of them indicate it's a real PITA 
and requires at least one helper.  I recall someone reporting in the last 
few months that they had an upholstery shop do it for ~$100.

At 08:55 AM 02/18/2001 -0500, Nick Stuart wrote:

>Ok my headliner is really starting to annoy me. Car in question is '87 
>5kcs. I am getting a nice curtain affect in the back window though :). 
>Anyway was wandering if anyone has replaced theirs recently, and if you 
>did it yourself, how much if a PITA was it? and if you took it somewhere 
>how much did it cost? Also if you did the replacement yourself how much is 
>the actual headliner cloth?
>Thanks for your help.
>Nick Stuart
>'87 5kcs TQ

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