need HELP: alternator problem
kbogach at
Sun Feb 18 02:01:46 EST 2001
I have not problems to start a car but voltmeter shows ~11 V and battery,
breaks and ABSoff lights stay on.
The noise I mentioned I hear when I disconnect blue wire connector and
provide current to the alternator exciter (from trusted source). I do it
cause I suspect that blue wire does not supply enough of juice to kick
electromagnetic field on . It isolates bad bulb/wire reasons.
Konstantin Bogach.
----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Myers <rmyers at>
To: kbogach <kbogach at>
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 12:43 AM
Subject: Re: need HELP: alternator problem
> Konstantin,
> I'm having a bit of trouble understanding what you write. What I _think_
> you are saying is that when you attempt to start the car you hear the
> starter engage and then nothing much more happens. Is that correct? If
> so, it sounds to me like your battery is low. The indicator lights you
> report are all typical of a low voltage condition.
> Try charging the battery or getting a jump start. If the jump start works
> then your battery is down. That could be a dead battery but it could also
> be a poorly functioning charging system. If it's the latter then there
> several possible/likely causes. Worn brushes in the alternator. Missing
> alternator belt. Voltage regulator not working. Stator wire to the
> alternator loose/missing/broken. Possibly some others.
> I hope that helps. It's nearly 1 AM and I'm off to bed. Good night and
> good luck.
> At 12:29 AM 2/18/01 -0500, you wrote:
> >I forgot to mention that I have the battery light, breaks light and ABS
> >off light are on when it happens.
> >It looks like I have a nice dialogue with myself :-)
> >>----- Original Message -----
> >>From: <mailto:kbogach at>kbogach
> >>To: <mailto:quattro at>quattro at
> >>Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 12:17 AM
> >>Subject: Re: need HELP: alternator problem
> >>
> >>Ok, after some thinking and reading I can make more concise and concrete
> >>questions:
> >> When I boot the alternator with some initial current (engine runs) it
> >> kicks on (it always happened before and this time I take the noise as a
> >> proof of it), but then magnetic field dies (noise disappear). Of
> >> I should've measure voltage instead of assuming that the noise means
> >> kick on, but... I think that noise may be result of changing the
> >> load on bearings due to force from created magnetic field on moving
> >> rotor/electromagnet. What else can it be? The only moving part -
> >> moved before and after the booting procedure. What could kill the EM
> >> field? If brushes are bad why it starts (consistently) in first place?
> >>Why I am asking these questions instead of checking brushes first?
> >>Because I don't have a garage and it is 20 - 30 deg. outside. I'd like
> >>to minimize my exposure to that hostile environment.
> >>
> >>Thanks.
> >>
> >>Konstantin Bogach.
> >>200tq '89
> >>200tqw '89
> >>
> >>
> >>----- Original Message -----
> >>>From: <mailto:kbogach at>kbogach
> >>>To: <mailto:quattro at>quattro at
> >>>Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2001 8:20 PM
> >>>Subject: need HELP: alternator problem
> >>>
> >>>Hi all.
> >>>Today morning when I loaded my 200tq '89 with tools to go to fix and
> >>>pick up my "new" 200tqw '89 (it has no breaks, needs MC) the
> >>>warning light did not refuse go off, no charging. I had such thing
> >>>before but ... a little of history: when it happened first time I
> >>>cleaned blue wire contact but it did not help. I found that exciter
> >>>current was less than spec. After I gave it a quick "push" from +12V
> >>>(through a bulb, using connection at FL headlight) it started charging.
> >>>I used this method each time it happened (not that often to address it
> >>>more seriously). But I did not know the main reason.
> >>>Today this method did not help. When I touched + with wire giving
> >>>"push" to the alternator it started to sound like it has bad bearings.
> >>>Sound disappeared in 3-4 seconds. It did it every time I touched the
> >>>terminal. I am not good in electronics. I have not idea what it might
> >>>be. I don't have a garage so method of trials and errors is a pain. I
> >>>will appreciate any idea which can help me to narrow my search.
> >>>
> >>>Thank you.
> >>>
> >>>Konstantin Bogach
> >>>200tq '89 (jealous one)
> >>>200tqw '89 (did not see its new home yet)
> >
> >---
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> Bob
> *****
> Robert L. Myers rmyers at Home 304-574-2372
> Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA WV tag Q SHIP
> '95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen ICQ 22170244
> MediaRing Talk 304-574-1166
> *****
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