TDI; was: Europe trip/Me too!

Avi Meron avim at
Sun Feb 18 10:27:14 EST 2001

I read your post with GREAT dismay.................far too many
unsubstantiated comments, which puzzle me at the extreme!

Here are some quotes from an article in the Los Angeles Times which (maybe),
will put you in better understanding regarding your comments:

*	There are 10 POWER PLANTS now under construction in CA with a total
generating capacity of 6,500 megawatt
*	In addition 14 projects with collective capacity of 7,500 megawatts under
*	CA state ranks 47Th in the nation in terms of per capita consumption
*	Over the past decade, energy consumption rose in the US by 22% in CA less
than 11%

 I know that the favorite past time in “a lot of circles” is CA bashing, but
let’s stick to the FACTS (however disturbing they maybe) and let’s remember
one very important fact:
CA (only the state) is ranked #7 in GNP in the world!

And last but not least let’s point the finger in the right (and correct)
direction, the utilities and oil companies (not even OPEC!).

You all take care now and please try to stick to the facts,

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
Behalf Of JanDebL at
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 8:59 AM
To: rdeis at; frankbauer at
Cc: lindgre at; quattro at
Subject: Re: TDI; was: Europe trip/Me too!

You're are correct about CA's environmental position.  In the airline
industry they are trying to force all the commercial carriers to get rid of
their internal combustion engines on the ground service equipment, (baggage
tractors, cargo loaders, etc.) and replace them with electric powered
vehicles.  Proponents say this will help reduce the air pollution -
disagree that electric power will only shift the pollution to the power
plants.  In addition there is no infrastructure for bring the power to the
airports or distributing it.  Certainly we should be all striving to reduce
pollution where ever we can but these fanatics with their knee jerk
are causing more problems than they are creating.  Examples include their
on electric power plants construction and the rolling blackout problem makes
it clear (at least to me) that some has not done their homework.  Its too
bad, as most every diesel manufacturer both commercial and industrial, have
made gigantic improvements in combustion efficiency and emission reductions.
Jan Lahtonen
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