need HELP: alternator problem

kbogach kbogach at
Sun Feb 18 14:24:18 EST 2001

What I call trusted power is current from + terminal to the D+/61 terminal
on alternator coming through a regular turn signal bulb. I just make a quick

konstantin bogach.

----- Original Message -----
From: Huw Powell <audi at>
To: kbogach <kbogach at>
Cc: Robert Myers <rmyers at>; Kneale Brownson
<knotnook at>; <quattro at>
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: need HELP: alternator problem

> > Yes. I actually don't know at what point the dash voltmeter is
connected. If
> > it measures voltage on battery (not at alternatore as I thought ) then
> > might be a problem. And I had already some signs in the past  that that
> > connections is intermittent. Unfortunately I need to replace MC on my
> > 200tqw and bring it home form PO place today. Then I will return to alt.
> > problem.
> there are four places where the same voltage should be observed while
> the car is running:
> the alternator output
> the battery + terminal
> the fusebox
> the starter big wire terminal
> measure these with the blue wire connected vs. your jumper (where
> exactly *are* you getting that "trusted power"?) and see what's up.
> troubleshoot your connections (+ and grounds) at all four places, and
> that nasty battery wire under the carpet.
> dress warmly, bring your meter and some paper and take lots of notes in
> case you don't get to the bottom of it.  Start applying fastener
> loosener (WD 40 or whatever) to the voltage regulator screws now, since
> one of them tends to get weak due to being the ground path for the
> regulator current.
> Be careful when measuring resistances (between the four places) not to
> blow up your meter, best to have the battery ground disconnected while
> doing it.
> --
> Huw Powell

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