200 TQ alternator squeal, then no output

Peter Berrevoets pjberr at home.com
Sun Feb 18 21:05:33 EST 2001

It's the belt slipping. BTDT

Not easy to tighten correctly if you look at it, particularly if the little
toothed adjusting nut is stripped (they all are).

Bentley suggests correct tension for used belt is center deflection of 5 mm.
Torque adjusting bolt to 26 ft/lb and the hanger bolt to 15 ft/lb and
alternator pivot bolt to 26 ft/lb.

If you can't get it properly tight by loosening these three bolts, then you
will have to loosen up the a/c compressor mount and adjust the alternator
mount as required.

Loose belt, probably too thin but correct length. Bumper off makes this job


Peter Berrevoets
1990 200TQ
Toronto, Canada

> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: quattro-admin at audifans.com
> >[mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com]On
> >Behalf Of Kurt Wesseling
> >Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 5:25 PM
> >To: quattro at audifans.com
> >Subject: 200 TQ alternator squeal, then no output
> >
> >
> >Greetings alternator fans,
> >
> >Patient is my '89 200TQ, 183k miles.
> >
> >What I thought was the alternator belt has been squealing
> >with increasing
> >regularity of late.  When this happens the volt meter drops
> >to 12 volts the
> >lights dim,etc. Usually if I reduce current load by
> >switching off the seat
> >heater, turning off the headlights briefly, etc the
> >squealing stops and
> >voltage returns to normal range...until last night.
> >Naturally it was a 10
> >degree F with a 30mph wind night.  Sequence was,
> >squeeeeeeel, low voltage,
> >lower voltage, still lower voltage...turn off all
> >electrics--except low
> >beams--no street lights in the boondocks of Maine.  Finally
> >the battery can
> >no longer support the fuel pump, so she dies. Flatbedded her home.
> >
> >Today I go out and she starts right up, volt meter showing
> >normal range
> >again! Go for a test drive, 2 miles later squeeeeeal, NO
> >output again.  Limp
> >home, lift hood, alt is not squealing, belt is turning--not
> >slipping, and
> >all looks normal--except there is still no output--at least
> >no more than 12
> >vdc indicated presumably from the battery.
> >
> >So what's shot? Bearings, brushes? Avi, Huw...anybody??  8-]
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >--Kurt
> >
> >

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