4ksq fun

James Russell jbr at montana.edu
Mon Feb 19 03:07:00 EST 2001

Thanks for all the feedback on the window tinting subject. 

It seems like the winter has taken it's toll on my suspension.  I am
thinking about replacing some of the worn pieces.  Currently there is
nothing horrible with it.  I will likely take it into a shop or two just to
get some ideas as to what kind of bill I will be running.  

It is an 1984 4ksq.  With about 187000 on the odometer.  With this milage
and age what should I expect to have replaced or upgraded.  As far as
upgrades go, I am open to the input, and I have a feeling that the options
are endless, but I am still in college so money is a major factor. 

On a different note, the coolant light (the one with the liquid and the
weird boat thingy) has been coming on, on occasion.  The temperature of the
engine reads cold, well the lower of the two bars.  I haven't yet checked
the level of the coolant, but I think I will do that soon.  I haven't seen
any signs of leakage.  Just wondering if there is a sensor or switch that
may be malfuntioning, if that is a common issue.

Other than that, I am getting a bit anxious for spring.  I love driving in
the snow and all, but I like to have the windows down, and the sunroof
open, without the heat on.  Plus the roads tend to be better.

Thanks in advance.

Brad Russell


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