4ks washer question.

Swann, Benjamin R. (BSWANN) BSWANN at arinc.com
Tue Feb 20 11:09:56 EST 2001


I just saw this, so hope this can save you some trouble.

I had this going on for sometime.  the wipers worked, but the washer went
from intermittant to not at all.  It was the column switch as Rich points

I had one on hand from my parts car(now dwindleing, soon to be towed).
Anyway, thought I'd try cleaning it up first.  removed the steering wheel,
and partly removed the switch to expose and clean.  Used some electrical
contact cleaner on the various contacts.  Now it works like new.

I may put the new switch in later, but well, I didn't have to.

'85 4Kcsq

[Roger Ive got the EXACT problem on my 874KCSQ,
Trouble-shot the problem to be the multi-function
column switch, which looks to require the
removal/disassembly of the steering column. ]<snip..

[Hi all,I'm down to fix a few nagging electrical
problems on my old '86 4ks and thought I'd solicit
some opinions and any possible btdts before spending
hours going over electrical diagrams (I've spent a bit
already)Basically, my washer pump doesn't  If I apply
power to the motor directly, she spins right up and
douses things.
Anyone seen this exact symptom before and/or know of a
common cause for this wipers-work but pump-doesn't

Roger Albert
austin tx]

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