88 80Q -- greasy CV boot

Dr. Cory Brayton cbrayton at bcm.tmc.edu
Tue Feb 20 15:07:20 EST 2001

Hi again -- my car's been OK for a while so I've just been lurking -- but
yesterday I had oil changed & noticed greasy CV boot -- near wheel,
right/passenger side (= pothole/gutter side in Houston) -- I've noticed no
pulling nor noises

dealer price for repair = $275, assuming CV joint is OK -- ouch -- I checked
with 2 other places in Houston & they estimate $220-230 over phone but would
have to get parts from dealer anyway

how likely is it that whole CV joint should be replaced?

Should I get other boot(s) done at same time?

Anyone know a good place to go in Houston?

Thanks again

Cory B
88 80Q
Houston, TX USA

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