Speedvision LOM

Renneisen, Eric E 475 Eric.Renneisen at CIGNA.com
Wed Feb 21 10:10:02 EST 2001

Did anyone else see the "Legends of Motorsport" yesterday 
afternoon? They showed the '84 1K Lakes Rally. Not one of 
Audi's finer outings--Mouton and Mikkola crashed out the 
two shorties, Blomqvist's A2 took 4th behind the Peugeot 
and two Lancias, and Ecklund's privateer urq lost a 
grudge match with Toyota. Nevertheless, it had some great 
footage, and the quattros didn't do too badly that year. 

Checking Speedvision's schedule on the web site, that 
installment was apparently titled "Local Heroes". I don't 
see it again on their schedule, but it's only populated 
through the end of Feb. I invite everyone to join me in 
sending them an email begging for more episodes from the 
Group B era of World Rally. The address is 
programming at speedvision.com

Eric Renneisen
'90 CQ 20V  -  my wife's 'racing-iron'  ;^)
'85 urq  -  ol' reliable
Chattanooga, TN

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