Nascar press conference

Scott Scott at
Wed Feb 21 15:23:00 EST 2001

At 18:07 21-02-01 -0400, Steven Addy wrote:
>- Similarly noted by you are the non-deforming chassis.
>- I don't know but I can't help but wonder why collapsible steering ...[etc]
>The man was killed because his neck/spine snapped because of the the
>forward motion of his head when the seat belt stopped his body. It's
>unlikely that anything you mentioned would've helped. The hans device
>maybe. Better design of the front end maybe.

The longer the crash takes the less force needs to be placed on the body by 
the seatbelt. With more time/distance spent deforming the body you might 
lessen the force on the body enough to prevent death.

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