speaker help

Andrew Sitzer sitzman at core.binghamton.edu
Thu Feb 22 00:14:58 EST 2001

Hey all.. I've decided to go ahead and upgrade the audio on my 86 5ks.. As
explained in a previous message it was bastardized some time ago.. so just
pretend I am starting from scratch :>

Firstly, I got the SONY CDX-1300 cd player/radio at circuitcity on
closeout ($189 reduced to $84).

I am going to just use 2 6x9 speakers in the rear and the two 3 1/2"ers in
front.. I may fill the hole where the 10" subs used to be.. but not for a

I am not planning to use an amp.

Any recommendations on the 6x9 speakers?  Also, any recommendations on the
3 1/2"ers?  The existing 3 1/2s are shot so I dont use them anyway.. I
was thinking about some fullrange 3.5s..  Any experience with brands etc?

Also, What sort of 6x9s should I be looking at if I am not planning on
using an amp?  Thx!

ps. As mentioned, I am looking for a 'good' sound system -- not one of
those sound systems you can hear coming a mile away :) .. just something
that doesnt buzz too much and can play music at normal levels without
distorting it too badly.

-Andrew Sitzer

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