Was: Re: Nascar press conference Is: Quattro in racing

Motor Sport Visions Photography msvphoto at pacbell.net
Thu Feb 22 13:46:16 EST 2001

Cecilia Ku wrote:
> What do you mean by "quattro (well sorta...) ??
> And has anyone heard anymore news about the R8 road car Audi did a
> prototype of??

The "well sorta" was WRT the fact that the S4 Competition is an AWD car,
but is not a quattro as we know it in street usage since, AFAIK, the
Tor$en is welded up and the cars run locked front to rear all the time.
Point is, they *are* AWD cars used in pavement road circuit

I have never heard of a R8 road car...can't help there. That one is news
to me.

Mike Veglia
Motor Sport Visions Photography

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