Is it An Audi Or A Ferrari?

Tim C. Meritzis kzildjian at
Fri Feb 23 22:18:01 EST 2001

Hello All,
    On December 12th my Audi (1990 CQ 20V) was hit from behind.  The exhaust was taken out as well as the bumper cover.  No big deal as far as damage was concerned.  Since it was the other persons fault, his insurance paid for all the work.  I got a brand new exhaust and parts.  I went for the Stebro Exhaust (Free Of Charge).  This is one loud exhaust.  Man!  At 5-7000 rpm it sounds like a damn Ferrari.  Maybe louder.  Is this normal?  I think I am going to need some sound deadening material in back.  Any thoughts?

  Tim Meritzis
  1990 Audi Coupe quattro 20V
  1999 VW Wolfsburg Edition Golf
  1984 Subaru BRAT D/R Rally  ***FOR SALE*** $2000 for group members

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