Alpine Stereo and Alpine CD Shuttle (changer)

quattro toronto quattro_toronto at
Sat Feb 24 08:38:43 EST 2001

For those of you who have the Alpine Stereo(7525) and CD changer combo...

When you press the CD button on the radio unit to play CD music from your CD 
changer and you get no sound and the radio unit displays "E 02" (hey these 
suckers have diagnostics too!),  dont fret.
Here's what you should do:
1. Ensure you have CD in the changer!
2. On the radio unit, there's a tiny tiny RESET SWITCH hole.  Reset your
   stereo system using a ball point pen.  The Stereo illumination light
   changes color from Amber to Green (or vice versa depending on your
   set's current color scheme).  Problem fixed.
3. Go buy one of them CD cleaner for $10.00 +- and pop it into the
   changer to clean the CD lens before CD playback sound quality

$ave$ you the trip to your repair centre.  Because it's a duh! fix, I wa$n't 
charged nothin!

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