the dreaded Chinese Puzzle

S. Jaworski syljay at
Sat Feb 24 10:56:12 EST 2001

Oh yeah, and its a filthy job. You will go thru a whole roll of paper
towels. Get a box of latex examination gloves. No, you're not going to be
checking your own prostrate!!  You can get a box of 50 or 100 pretty cheap
at any surgical supply place. The gloves come in very handy when doing
repairs . . . . .  or examinations.

The best way to avoid re-assembly errors is to mark everything before you
take it apart. The outer and inner cv bearings can be marked with a punch.
The inner race is hardened steel and virtually impossible to mark. I have
used a carbide impregnated hacksaw blade to make some scratches on the race,
in line with the inner and outer bearing punchmarks.
If you want to be super precise, you can also mark the relation of cv joint
to the drive shaft.

Work on one joint at a time . .. or ensure that the cv joints are kept
isolated from each other. You DONT want to mix up parts from different

If you encounter difficulty on re-assembly . . .take a deep breath . . .walk
away . . . have a drink . . .beat up your dog . . . molest your wife . . .
come back refreshed after an hour or so and try again. Dont try and force
fit during assembly.

Remember: Pain is Good   :-)

90 100q
88 5kq

----- Original Message ----- > --__--__--
> Message: 3
> Reply-To: <marcswanson at>
> From: "Marc Swanson" <marcswanson at>
> To: <avim at>, "Erik Addy" <erik at>
> Cc: "Quattro" <quattro at>
> Subject: RE: the dreaded Chinese Puzzle
> Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 22:54:17 -0500
> > Erik,
> > AS FAR as I know...............(I have done a "couple here and
> > there"), the
> > CV joint will assemble ONE way only!  You might have some other
> Actually there are really 2 ways it can go together.. right and wrong..
> although really if you consider flipping the outer race and each bearing
> position as a "combination" there are really 6 possible ways it can go
> together I think :-)
> Later
> -Marc-

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