(no subject)

Ameer Antar ameer at snet.net
Mon Feb 26 01:39:59 EST 2001

also check for marks on the driveshaft. I heard some strange noises in my 
old Chevy wagon when one of the springs sagged too much...the driveshaft 
was hitting the subframe. You might want to look at the car from underneath 
on ramps, so the car's weight is on the suspension. You should be able to 
see the problem then. good luck.


At 12:52 AM 2/26/2001 , you wrote:
>Could be a wheel bearing.  With the wheels on the car check it for play
>by jacking it up off the ground and forcing the tire side to side.  It
>should feel solid, if it feels like the lug nuts may be a little loose
>it's the bearing.  Plenty of posts on this one in the archives.
>Cobram at Juno.Com
>  "tucker smith" <tuckersmith at onewest.net> writes:
> > Hello
> >
> > My 89 200TQ has suddenly developed a strange vibration whenever the
> > steering wheel is turned to the right (but not the left). There is a
> > linear correlation between speed of the car and the intensity of the
> > vibration. It is a noise very much like driving over those "wake-up"
> > strips on the interstate. I took both wheels off and the hubs spin
> > fine - no noise. I wonder if anyone has gone through this before.
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