Oil cooler upgrade for NA cars

JShadzi at aol.com JShadzi at aol.com
Mon Feb 26 10:25:30 EST 2001

In a message dated 2/26/2001 12:30:18 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
coolian at mediaone.net writes:

> What makes this a "great upgrade"?
> Don't the cars that need it, already have it? (not my argument, but it 
> sounded right)
> My oil, if the gauge is to be believed, never gets above 130, and that was 
> tailing Huw at 110mph for 30 minutes. That reading is barely halfway up the 
> gauge.

Hmm, thanks for the great story, but what were the conditions under which 
this occured?  Here in CA, in the summer months where temps in the central 
valley reach over 100 degrees, my Coupe GT would get really hot, sometime 
even overheating going up really big inclines and such.  It definitely could 
have used an oil cooler, and for $25, that ebay auction would have been 

If you feel that your car is not running hot, then you do not likely need 
additonal cooling capacity.

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