fogging mystery
Tom Nas
tnas at
Mon Feb 26 19:12:51 EST 2001
"Zsolt" <zed123 at> wrote:
>Went for skiing on the weekend driving my 88 5k tq and something strange =
>happended while I was on the highway. I was doing the speed limit but I =
>accellerated to about 160-180km/hr for a short period. Suddenly my =
>windows started fogging up (It's fun at that speed). I was thinking oh =
>no there goes my heating core. I pressed the "de-fog" button that slowly =
>cleared the windows. After I switched back to "eco" mode, and crancked =
>up the heat. No fog. I tryed "auto" and "bi-level" modes as well. It was =
>fine, and it still is. Is my heating core leaking or not? What else =
>could've caused it. Any thoughts?
Flaky a/c? You'll know when the heater core is bad, as the sickly-sweet
coolant smell is REALLY hard to miss.
I've become really tired of smelling this, at least...
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