fogging mystery (solved)

Zsolt zed123 at
Mon Feb 26 13:19:51 EST 2001

Hey, there! I was actually driving from Edmonton to Calgary on friday
evening. It was clear, but it had snowed earlier, and there may have been
some snow stuck under the hood below the windshield. This happend before I
got to Red Deer, and it was fine after. We went skiing to Nakiska on
Saturday and it was snowing most of the day but the car was fine. No

What must've happend is that hitting higher speed a chunk of snow got blown
into the air intake. The mystery is  solved.


----- Original Message -----
From: Leah and David Mueller <muellerl at>
To: <quattro at>
Cc: <zed123 at>
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 10:25 AM
Subject: re: fogging mystery

> Dear "Zsolt"
> Was it snowing so that the car, while sitting, accumulated some snow in
> fresh air or heater ducts?  If some snow suddenly melts, the air will get
> pretty moist for a time. Especially if accelerating, the sudden air intake
> may move the snow and moisture through quickly.  Just my best guess if not
> you heater core.  Others may have better solutions.  No smell of coolant?
> David
> Airdrie, AB. 4kq
> From: "Zsolt" <zed123 at>
> > To: <quattro at>
> > Subject: fogging mystery
> > Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 09:02:03 -0700
> > Went for skiing on the weekend driving my 88 5k tq and something strange
> > happended while I was on the highway. I was doing the speed limit but I
> > accellerated to about 160-180km/hr for a short period. Suddenly my =
> > windows started fogging up (It's fun at that speed). I was thinking oh =
> > no there goes my heating core. I pressed the "de-fog" button that slowly
> > cleared the windows. After I switched back to "eco" mode, and crancked =
> > up the heat. No fog. I tryed "auto" and "bi-level" modes as well. It was
> > fine, and it still is. Is my heating core leaking or not? What else =
> > could've caused it. Any thoughts?
> >
> > Zsolt
> > 88 5k tq (142,000km)
> > 86 5k tq (252,000km)

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