Upgrade time?

Greg Winston winston_gw at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 27 00:43:10 EST 2001


I've done these mental gyrations a few times myself (usually about the time 
I spot Pentosin on the garage floor).  I always seem to come back to fixing 
the car I've got.  The fact that your own car is a known quantity is a big 
plus in my book.  Plus, I like the fact that I've 90% of the positive 
attributes of a newer car at a fraction of the cost (at least as far as 
purchase price).  If you've got it running well, and have fixed most of the 
problem areas, my thought is that it should provide many more miles of 
mostly trouble free service (at least that's what I'm hoping).

I don't know if you've upped the boost on your vehicle, but doing so will 
dramatically change its personality (and may convince you to keep it).  I 
haven't driven a 91 20V, but I suspect that there is not a tremendous 
difference between your 1989 model at 1.8 bar and a stock 91 20V.  Or 
perhaps there is.  In any case, a 91 may not be any more reliable than what 
you've got.

Making the leap to an A6 would be a whole nuther story.  Much newer, but 
also far more expensive, and a totally different feel with a V6 and 
automatic.  I don't think I'd like it as well.

Bottom line recommendation: Option #1, stick with what you've got and 
optimize it.  Good luck.

Greg Winston
90 200Q

"Beatty, Robert" wrote:
>with reguards to option 1....
>your cons arent all that bad or that costly...and once its
running right its
>a piece of cake to put in 1.8 bar spring/ecu and you will see
>difference in performance.  From there its
suspension/exhaust/any other wild
>mods you want....

and change the interior to a color you like!

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Kent McLean [mailto:kentmclean at mindspring.com]
>Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 12:59 PM
>To: quattro at audifans.com
>Subject: Upgrade time?
>OK, listers. Seeing all those nicer-than-mine Audis at dinner
>night has me in a shopping mood. Here's something for us to
>over. I'm thinking of "upgrading" my '89 200 TQ.  I
>want an Avant. Part of me wants a '91 200 20V TQ Avant, and
>of me wants a newer, trouble-free, pay-the-bank 95-96 A6
>Here's what I'm thinking:
>Option 1: Fix My '89 200TQ
>Pros:  It's paid for. Lot's of new parts. Runs good. Cheap to
>           "put right." For ~$2,000, I get a car in "excellent"
>Cons: cracked windshield, dead bomb, leaking crank seal,
>           radio, rust on RF fender, dead RF power window.
>Net:   A known quantity with an interior color I don't like.
>Option 2: Trade up to a '91 200 20V TQA
>Pros:  It's in excellent condition. (I'll wait to find the
right one.)
>           20-valve turbo I-5. What more can I say?
>Cons: It'll cost $4,000-$8,000 to upgrade from my '89.
>Net:    An Avant with b*lls. Quells "S6 envy".
>Option 3: Trade up to a 95-96 A6 Avant
>Pros:  Newer body style. Newer parts. Easier to find. Easier
>           work on? Fewer problem areas? Bank loan. More
>          V6 v. I-5 20v turbo?
>Cons: Automatic. More civilized. V6 v. I-5 20v turbo?  Does
>           nothing for the "S6 envy". It'll cost $10,000 to
$14,000 to
>           upgrade from my '89.
>Net:    A newer, hopefully more reliable car.
>Question. What would you do?
>I was leaning towards Option 3 until I saw Richard Berlin's
'91 200 20v TQA
>last night. In my mellow old age, I'd be happy with the V-6
Auto. I think
>get myself into trouble with the 20v Turbo. But it tugs at my
heart strings.
>Let the arguments begin.
>Kent McLean, thinking

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