Wanted: '86-'87 GTi Head, Intake, And Bits

Alexander van Gerbig Audi_80 at email.msn.com
Mon Feb 26 20:28:59 EST 2001

This may be a repeat message, but I've been having a horrible time posting
to the list.  MSN has issues with sending messages to the quattro list and
others occasionally.  So here goes.

Looking for an '86-'87 VW Golf GTi cylinderhead, intake manifold, throttle
body, and other associated bits.  I'd like to find one around 100k miles.  I
am having it rebuilt with seals and lifters, no guides or valves.  So the
less mileage the better.  Here is a full list of what used parts I am
looking for:

027 133 201 Intake Manifold
027 133 063G Throttle Body (with switches)
191 721 555 Throttle Cable
027 103 573 Throttle Cable Bracket (on intake manifold)
027 133 315- Golf Fuel Lines (with injectors)
027 721 396 Cruise Servo Bracket
811 907 327B Cruise Servo
027 907 415 Cruise Connecting Rod

Cruise isn't particularly important, but would be a nice touch, haven't had
it since I did the transmission swap.  The part numbers may not be 100%
perfect since they are from euro family album.


Alexander van Gerbig -- '88 80

The Audi  80 Pages-----------------

North Ferrisburg, VT 05473

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