90q ign. re-keying (The Gods Must be Crazy!)

Marc Swanson marcswanson at mediaone.net
Tue Feb 27 03:51:39 EST 2001

> As I was buttoning up the dash and pulling the dash bits up off the pass.
side floor I noticed there was a fricken' key
> tucked under the pass. floor mat, doh!?!! The Audi gods do appear have a
(twisted) sense of humer after all. Someone had
> tucked the origional key for this car under the mat before the car went up
for salvage auction, apparantly...

Glad I didn't have to deal with this issue on my 90!

I looked up the procedure in bentley for you.  Looks like you actually DO
need to drill something to remove it.  I converted the bentley diagrams to
pdf and ps (take your pick):


Hope that helps!

(And if it makes you feel any better I've had to take the transmission in my
90q out 3 times now for various reasons.. I always seem to get back to
square one on that damn tranny job.  Quite frustrating!)


/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+Marc Swanson                          +
+                                      +
+http://marcswanson.ne.mediaone.net    +
+                                      +
+87 4kcstq                             +
+88 90q                                +
+85 4ksq                               +
+87 5ktq   donor (Parting out)         +
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */

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