Hydraulic hose woes--again

Motor Sport Visions Photography msvphoto at pacbell.net
Tue Feb 27 11:30:12 EST 2001

In a message dated 2/26/2001 Wallace White <wallace at stanfordalumni.org>

<< Hope no one else has such a disappointing experience with hydraulic
repair--and may others think twice before having it done. >>

I did. A little over a year ago. Christmas Eve 1999 to be exact. The
hose was made up by The Hose Shop in Santa Cruz. They are a
Parker-Hannifen (sp?) dealer and do race hoses for all different kinds
of racers all over this part of the state (Earls dealer). The hose
failed in the way you describe, crimp failed. It happened ~6-8 months
after they made the hose. The cost of making up the hose from the old
Audi fittings was very close to the price of a new hose from TPC at the
time too so I wasn't real happy with the rebuilding idea anyway.

In my case we wound up taking Lena's ovloV wagon on our trip but when we
returned I went and got a new/used hose at pick-n-pull for a couple
bucks and it has been fine ever since (I had several to choose from and
took the one that looked the newest). In other words, the used hose from
pick-n-pull that cost next to nothing has already outlasted the ~$60.00
or so rebuilt hose 2:1.

For me it will be o.e. from now on...new or used doesn't matter as much
to me if the hose is in good shape. I too was a little upset over it but
never did bother to follow up with the hose place. The only upside is
that I have gotten pretty good at R&R of the PS pressure hose.

Mike Veglia
Motor Sport Visions Photography

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