brake line replacment details needed 5kcsq

steinbru at steinbru at
Wed Feb 28 00:07:33 EST 2001

Q-uery me this:  what flare is used on the metal
brake lines on the type 44's?  The family album
gives my part as "shorten to 222mm" and all, but
I haven't found in there or Bentley details on
the flange --I'd guess double or bubble flare,
so I need a new tool anyhow, but what tool?

Side trip:  do all the 80's vintage audi/vw
use the same "4,75/0,7" steel line (which I
take for OD/ID)?  What's typical cost for
bulk --like the 5m lengths described?
TIA....  --Gary

(for the curious, I'm down to two "half"
cars, and don't want to pull the line until
I have a part in hand --it's a audi thang.)

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